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Green Crack Cobra Vape Pen Cartridge


Green Crack Cobra Vape Pen Cartridge


Despite the edginess of its name, Green Crack is more likely to make users energized and inspired than strung out and manic. Providing the best of what sativa varieties have to offer, it’s a great strain for enhancing your appreciation of your surroundings or simply as a way to help you get up and go. It’s also unique in its potency — even for more experienced cannabis fans, a little bit of this controlled substance can go a long way.

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ethanol [C2H6O]

Some would argue that ethanol [C2H6O] deserves the “universal solvent” title even more than our good friend H2O. This is because ethanol can dissolve both polar (hydrophilic) and nonpolar (hydrophobic/lipophilic) substances. It’s pretty much a solvent that invites everyone to the party. Very inclusive, that ethanol molecule is.
Ethanol’s polar hydroxyl [OH] group – with oxygen’s high electronegativity allowing hydrogen bonding to take place with other molecules – will dissolve hydrophilic (water-loving) compounds like chlorophyll, pigments and tannins.
Ethanol’s nonpolar ethyl [C2H5] group, a.k.a. its “hydrocarbon tail,” works with the hydrophobic (water-fearing) components like plant waxes/lipids, oils, cannabinoids, terpenes (aroma/flavor) and any other substance (except for plant fiber) that is present inside or on the outside of the plant. (And, of course, it’s these cannabinoids/terps we’re after.)
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Weight 1 g
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