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DIY Ganja Tea for a Healthier High

DIY Ganja Tea for a Healthier High

You may have already known the health and medical benefits of marijuana, but you probably haven’t tried the different kinds of high ganja tea can give you. Also called cannabis tea, weed tea, and marijuana tea, and whatever you call it, this brew can have a longer lasting effect compared to smoking weed. If you want to give your lungs a break or just want to get rid of those sugar and fat after several days of chillin’, a cup of ganja tea may do some wonders. Here’s a DIY ganja tea recipe for your sipping pleasure.


  • 1 gram of ground cannabis (for a tastier blend, use a citrus-scented strain)
  • 1 tablespoon of unsalted butter or coconut oil
  • a teabag (when in doubt, trust the classic English Breakfast)
  • 4 cups of water
  • honey
  • You will also need a fine strainer to use as a filter.


  1. Grind and mix. Grind the marijuana buds into beautiful fine little pieces. Put it in a bowl and add the butter. Mix them well until you see all the buds coated with thin butter.
  2. Get that water boiling! In a medium pot, boil four cups of water. Then add the marijuana and butter mix, scraping the sides of the bowl to get all the ground pieces.
  3. Stir and brew. Keep the water boiling. As the tea brews, gently stir the mixture for about 30 minutes. You might already get some high from the aroma.
  4. Don’t get too excited. Allow the mixture to cool for a few minutes. Then strain it and add honey according to your taste
  5. Start the fun. Enjoy the infusion of healthy high!

You can also prepare different variations of ganja tea. Marijuana stems and leaves can be boiled in water for you to drink. A small amount of cannabis oil or tincture can also make a good blend in two bags of Assamica black tea. If you are searching for a fast-acting marijuana to get some relief from pain and have a relaxing day, you can DIY your own brew of ganja tea.


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